Strategy - But not as you know it.

It's that time of year where leaders are thinking about running strategy days.

Have you realised that a traditional strategy session, where you come out with way more things to do, and even less time to do it, just won't cut the mustard anymore.

Last week I had the privilege of taking a leadership team I've never worked with before through my 1 day intensive "Tune In" Program.

This isn't an especially new experience for me. It happens quite often.

The thing that was new with this experience, was the way that it happened.

I was approached by the commercial manager be a facilitator for their "Strategy Day".

When I met with the GM, People and Culture, Finance and Commercial leaders to talk about what they wanted for the day it turned out that what they were looking for was not "traditional strategy" at all, but something new that would expand their leadership teams thinking so that they were ready to grow and evolve.

They'd realised that traditional strategy sessions just wouldn't cut the mustard...

That's when the discussion about Tune In started.

Are you curious about exploring your different mindsets and energy as a leadership team?

It's strategy, but not as you know it.

You can find out more about "Tune In" here

Until next time


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