Resources to cultivate curiosity

Book - The Curiosity Map

Fostering energy, growth and the power of uncertainty.

In our fear of uncertainty, many of us have lost our ability to adopt a beginner’s mind. Especially as leaders, we feel like we must have all the answers, all the certainty. That we must be the experts.

But not being the expert takes courage. It takes courage to be vulnerable, and it takes courage to be curious. Curiosity requires us to exercise a certain kind of uncertainty.

We ask questions that we don’t yet know the answers to. We admit to not being the absolute experts on a subject. We are motivated to explore and learn new things, even if they lead to discomfort. It takes true courage to show up in situations where we can’t control the outcome.

The Curiosity Map helps navigate a pathway through uncertainty. It is an invitation to develop our curiosity in such a way that we can respond to any situation with conscious awareness, as our true best selves.

Explore the step by step process that is covered during The Curiosity Map masterclass and retreats.

White Paper - Take “Time Out” to “Tune In”

Successful leaders have learnt that they can only truly master 3 things in life. Their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It really is as simple as that.

Successful leaders have learnt that sustainable growth and lasting success comes from understanding that it‘s what they want for their people, not what they want from their people that really matters.

These leaders have learnt to master what’s happening inside of them, in order to master what’s happening outside of them.

And now they want that for their people.

Successful leaders support their people to learn how to master the art of paying close attention to their inner game, in order to master their outer game. Not the other way around.

If you are committed to leading yourself and your people towards sustainable growth and lasting success, then the most effective thing you can do first, is to give people the opportunity to learn how to “Tune In” to their mindset and their energy.

This White Paper explains why and what to do about it…..

White Paper - Tune In

Great leaders are very conscious of the need to pay close attention to their mindset and their personal energy, as well as the mindset and energy levels of their people.

They recognise that clarity of mind and energy drive success, both personally and professionally. They also recognise that if either clarity of mind or energy is lacking, success will be impossible to sustain.

Leaders who are committed to their people to showing up as the best version of themselves and doing their best work, will discover that tuning in to their mindset and their personal energy is the best place to start.

This white paper outlines:

  • the key problems people (at all levels) face when their energy levels are low and the benefits they gain when their energy levels are high.

  • identifies important challenges leaders and their people must overcome when making their mindset and their energy a key priority.

  • proposes a simple and effective step that any leader can take to shift the mindset and the energy of themselves and their teams. The clue is in the title “Tune In.”

The Energetic Shift - Workbook

Making personal energy a priority is key to being your best self, leading your best life and doing your best work.

That's what I want for you, and for every member of the team that you lead.I want you to feel confident that making the decision to commit to prioritising personal energy is the right choice for you and your team, knowing that this will support you to create the results you want.

Supporting your people to make their personal energy a key priority is the most valuable and transformational decision you can make as a leader.

What sits behind The Energetic Shift is another, more subtle, shift that supports you to continue to evolve and grow yourselves, your leadership and your performance.

This is a shift from unconscious to conscious.

In essence, The Energetic Shift workbook lays out a path towards conscious leadership.

Click here to view the video series of 101 Questions on Youtube

Book - Insight

How to sustain your performance without burning out.

This book helps you to develop the insights you need to uncover the barriers and triggers that limit your performance and stop you from fulfilling your potential and living a life full of meaningful achievements.

This book takes you on a deeply personal and transformational journey that will enable you to;

  • Live your life full of vitality

  • Understand with clarity what’s important to you, where you are really going and who you are becoming

  • Shift from intention into action by following a proven framework to support you to build new habits and behaviours that will help take your performance to the next level in a way that is sustainable.

This book includes the framework and all the tools and templates you’ll need to make it happen. Enjoy the journey!!